Will you join us to Connect, Celebrate & Showcase?


Location: London, U.K.

VIP Donation

Remember: Everyone Always Want to Be Important,
But It’s Always More Important To Be Nice.

Connect / Learn / Launch


The VIP Launch Party™ is your optimal opportunity to gain access & be connected privately with our Very Interesting People. These are people we know and care about and value. Let us help you connect the dots in our own “strategic and alchemical” way.


Amazing things happen when we come together, and really open up to learning. Learning who people are, and what they’re working on – the challenges, the solutions and the opportunities. And give us a chance to learn who you really are. You’re being invited for a reason.


Great ideas are like seeds – they need time and attention. What in your world is ready to launch? What could our other guests bring to share? We provide a curated space with VIPs who can advise, influence and optimise the launch and so much more.

A little bit of history.. Pointing to the future..

We hosted our first public VIP Launch Party on the 2nd February 2002 in London, UK, with hundreds of the most creative entrepreneurs, our friends, our partners and VIP influencers attending. The event was a great success and went so well that we were asked to host more, and since then we have hosted our VIP Launch Parties all over the world, from small intimate celebrations to partnering with some of the largest events in the world.

We have a policy of being open to anyone… however our events are for members only, which means that we know all of our amazing members and VIPs and can help share with them those things we think are most going to leave them delighted, repeating and wanting more.

Each party is unique.. and each time we learn more.

We’ve helped launch books, relationships, companies, funds, ventures and charities.

We’re really excited about the future, and hope you choose to celebrate with us and help be a part of the next success stories.

It’s Quality not Quantity That Counts™

Sometimes all it takes is access and the right relationship with the right person at the right time in the right way.

I’ve been to countless events where people “try to network” and run around swapping cards.. What’s special about The VIP Launch Party is that we know everyone here, and where we can we do everything to help our VIPs connect the dots and share what’s ready to launch, and if it isn’t yet we help them get ready for the next window.

Simon Hedley

Simon Hedley | Strategic Alchemist
Founder & Host of The VIP Launch Party

Do you want to Showcase & Launch at the VIP Launch Party™?

Click here to learn how you can present.